+421 2 3225 2328

Zelezna Ruda

Železnorudsko is at the moment a very important center of tourism. Thanks to its location offers many opportunities to get to know Šumava region. Vast parts of Šumava have been declared a national park which is at the moment the biggest park in the Czech Republic.



Turist information


Železná Ruda was originally a forest settlement, founded in the 16th century because of mining iron-stone. In 1849 the settlement was given a town status and a new owner the Duke Hohenzollern- Sigmaringen spread its territory by 6000 hectares. In the end of the 19th century a railway from Plzeň to Bavaria was built it the town with the longest tunnel of that time in Austro_Hungarian Monarchy. Since the 19th century a big development of tourism has started.

Location and climate

The mountain town lies in south-west Bohemia, in the Šumava Mountain, a sea level of 754m, in the valley of the Řezna River and is surrounded by mountain peaks.

Tourist attractions

Very interesting are numerous lakes e.g. Hrad Rabí or Kašperk. It is situated near German border and border small towns of Bavarian Forest and of course not to forget the Alps.


The National Park Šumava and the neighbouring Park Bavarian Forest offer a lot of natural beauty and historical sights as well as hiking, biking and running paths, moreover it is near of winter resorts. These facts have turned this place into a paradise not only for lovers of sport but also nature and history.


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