Customer evaluation Wellness Hotel Patince

Wellness Hotel Patince****

Angela U., from 51 to 55 years, Type of stay: with my partner
  • Hotel
  • Relaxation and spa services
  • Gastro services
  • Facility location
  • Services
Does a price category of restaurant respond to a quality of offered services?
Location and surroudings
I consider accommodation facility suitable for
visitors looking for a quiet environment
families with children
more demanding visitors
people interested in an active holiday
Atmosphere and equipment of a restaurant
Restaurant staff
Behaviour and willingness of staff at accommodation facility
Quality of meals
Is a room equipment in compliance with a given standard of accommodation facility?
A range of choice of drinks and meals
Equipment of dayrooms
Timetable of meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
Suggestions for improving restaurant services
Bez výhrad.
Availability and quality of relaxation and balneal services in a given stay
Timetable of relaxation and balneal services in a given stay
Willingness and behaviour of staff providing relaxation and balneal services in a given stay
Do you recommend a stay in this accommodation?
Suggestions for improving accommodation facility
Veľmi, veľmi sme boli spokojní komplet so službami. Ale ten kto ide prvýkrát k Vám, ako my, vstup do celého areálu je hrozný,.Jeden nenápadný, vyblednutý pútačik, nič nenasvedčujúci, že ideme do tak prekrásneho hotela. Cesta sama sama, rekreačné zariadenia pri vstupe k vám rozbité, atď. Náhodný návštevník k Vám ani netrafí. Kvalitná reklama predáva. Náš názor.
Wellness Hotel Patince****

Patince 431
Patince 94639

Reservations by phone +421 2 3225 2328
+421 2 3225 2328

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